Welcome to the IJOC Software and Data Repositories
This is the website for the GitHub repositories for hosting software and data associated with papers appearing in the INFORMS Journal on Computing.
Available Software and Data
- An Optimization-Based Scheduling Methodology for Appointment Systems with Heterogeneous Customers and Nonstationary Arrival Processes by Sohom Chatterjee, Youssef Hebaish, Hrayer Aprahamian, and Lewis Ntaimo has associated software/data.
- Recursive McCormick Linearization of Multilinear Programs by Carlos Cardonha, Arvind Raghunathan, David Bergman, and Carlos Nohra has associated software/data.
- An Exact Algorithm for Multicommodity Network Design under Stochastic Interdictions by Shabnam Mahmoudzadeh Vaziri, Onur Kuzgunkaya, and Navneet Vidyarthi has associated software/data.
- Penalty Decomposition Methods for Second-Best Congestion Pricing Problems on Large-Scale Networks by Lei Guo, Wenxin Zhou, Xiaolei Wang, Hai Yang, and Tijun Fan has associated software/data.
- Layout Optimization for a Large-Scale Grid-Connected Solar Power Plant by Chong Wang, Qinghua Wu, Kai Pan, and Max Shen has associated software/data.
- Computational Framework for Target Tracking by Tianyu Yang, Jiongbai Liu, Tasnim Ibn Faiz, Chrysafis Vogiatzis, and Md. Noor-E-Alam has associated software/data.
- Exact and Approximate Schemes for Robust Optimization Problems with Decision Dependent Information Discovery by Rosario Paradiso, Angelos Georghiou, S. Dabia, and Denise Tönissen has associated software/data.
- A Bilevel Optimization Approach for a Class of Combinatorial Problems with Disruptions and Probing by Leonardo Lozano and Juan Borrero has associated software/data.
- Feature Selection and Grouping Effect Analysis for Credit Evaluation via Regularized Diagonal Distance Metric by Tie Li, Gang Kou, Yi Peng, and Philip S. Yu has associated software/data.
- A Semidefinite Programming-Based Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Biclustering by Antonio M. Sudoso has associated software/data.
- Symmetric Separable Convex Resource Allocation Problems with Structured Disjoint Interval Bound Constraints by Martijn Schoot Uiterkamp has associated software/data.
- A Quantum-Inspired Bi-level Optimization Algorithm for the First Responder Network Design Problem by Anthony Karahalios, Sridhar Tayur, Ananth Tenneti, Amirreza Pashapour, Sibel Salman, and Baris Yildiz has associated software/data.
- Production Planning Under Demand and Endogenous Supply Uncertainty by Mike Hewitt and Giovanni Pantuso has associated software/data.
- Two-Stage Estimation and Variance Modeling for Latency-Constrained Variational Quantum Algorithms by Yunsoo Ha, Sara Shashaani, and Matt Menickelly has associated software/data.
- An Improved Combinatorial Benders Decomposition Algorithm for the Human-Robot Collaborative by Zhaofang Mao, Kan Fang, Enyuan Fu, and Michael Pinedo has associated software/data.
- Incorporating Promotional Effects in Sales Planning of the Retail Industry Using Geometric Programming by Melika Khandan and Pooya Hoseinpour has associated software/data.
- QHDOPT: A Software for Nonlinear Optimization with Quantum Hamiltonian Descent by Samuel Kushnir, Jiaqi Leng, Yuxiang Peng, Lei Fan, and Xiaodi Wu has associated software/data.
- A Stochastic Benders Decomposition Scheme for Large-Scale Stochastic Network Design by Dimitris Bertsimas, Ryan Cory-Wright, Jean Pauphilet, and Periklis Petridis has associated software/data.
- On the Instance Dependence of Parameter Initialization for the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm: Insights via Instance Space Analysis by Vivek Katial, Kate Smith-Miles, Charles Hill, and Lloyd Hollenberg has associated software/data.
- A New Multicommodity Network Flow Model and Branch-and-Cut for Optimal Quantum Boolean Circuit by Jihye Jung and In-Chan Choi has associated software/data.
- A Data-Driven Optimization Framework for Static Rebalancing Operations in Bike Sharing Systems by Junming Liu, Weiwei Chen, and Leilei Sun has associated software/data.
- An Iterative Exact Algorithm over a Time-Expanded Network for the Transportation of Biomedical Samples by Daniel Ocampo-Giraldo, Ana Anaya-Arenas, and Claudio Contardo has associated software/data.
- Average Case Subquadratic Exact and Heuristic Procedures for the Traveling Salesman 2-OPT Neighborhood by Giuseppe Lancia and Paolo Vidoni has associated software/data.
- Reproducible Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Measurement Error Models by Xin Zhou, Zemin Zheng, Jie Wu, and Jiarui Zhang has associated software/data.
- Binary Quantum Control Optimization with Uncertain Hamiltonians by Xinyu Fei, Lucas Brady, Jeffrey Larson, Sven Leyffer, and Siqian Shen has associated software/data.
- A Novel Noise-Aware Classical Optimizer for Variational Quantum Algorithms by Jeffrey Larson, Matt Menickelly, and Jiahao Shi has associated software/data.
- Efficiently Constructing Convex Approximation Sets in Multiobjective Optimization Problems by Stephan Helfrich, Stefan Ruzika, and Clemens Thielen has associated software/data.
- A New Approximation Algorithm for Minimum-Weight $(1,m)$–Connected Dominating Set by Jiao Zhou, Yingli Ran, Panos Pardalos, Zhao Zhang, Shaojie Tang, and Ding-Zhu Du has associated software/data.
- On Interdicting Dense Clusters in a Network by Haonan Zhong, Foad Mahdavi Pajouh, Sergiy Butenko, and Oleg Prokopyev has associated software/data.
- Optimized Noise Suppression for Quantum Circuits by Friedrich Wagner, Daniel Egger, and Frauke Liers has associated software/data.
- Efficient Implementation of Interior-Point Methods for Quantum Relative Entropy by Mehdi Karimi and Levent Tuncel has associated software/data.
- Exact Simulation of Quadratic Intensity Models by Yan Qu, Angelos Dassios, Anxin Liu, and Hongbiao Zhao has associated software/data.
- On Discrete Subproblems in Integer Optimal Control with Total Variation Regularization in Two Dimensions by Paul Manns and Marvin Severitt has associated software/data.
- Branch-and-Price for the Capacitated Autonomous Vehicle Assisted Delivery Problem by Rui Zhang has associated software/data.
- On the Value of Risk-Averse Multistage Stochastic Programming in Capacity Planning by Xian Yu and Siqian Shen has associated software/data.
- Simulating Confidence Intervals for Conditional Value-at-Risk via Least-Squares Metamodels by Qidong Lai, Guangwu Liu, Bingfeng Zhang, and Kun Zhang has associated software/data.
- An Algorithm for Clustering with Confidence-Based Must-Link and Cannot-Link Constraints by Philipp Baumann and Dorit Hochbaum has associated software/data.
- A Peaceman-Rachford Splitting Method for the Protein Side-Chain Positioning Problem by Forbes Burkowski, Haesol Im, and Henry Wolkowicz has associated software/data.
- Domain-Independent Dynamic Programming and Constraint Programming Approaches for Assembly Line Balancing Problems with Setups by Jiachen Zhang and Chris Beck has associated software/data.
- An Efficient Optimization Model and Tabu Search-Based Global Optimization Approach for the Continuous p-Dispersion Problem by Xiangjing Lai, Zhenheng Lin, Jin-Kao Hao, and Qinghua Wu has associated software/data.
- Fraud Detection by Integrating Multisource Heterogeneous Presence-Only Data by Yongqin Qiu, Yuanxing Chen, Kan Fang, Lean Yu, Kuangnan Fang has associated software/data.
- First-order algorithms for robust optimization problems via convex-concave saddle-point Lagrangian reformulation by Krzysztof Postek and Shimrit Shtern has associated software/data.
- An Efficient Node Selection Policy for Monte Carlo Tree Search with Neural Networks by Xiaotian Liu, Yijie Peng, Gongbo Zhang, and Ruihan Zhou has associated software/data.
- Pairwise Stability in Weighted Network Formation Games: Selection and Computation by Caihua Chen, Junhao Tao, and Yang Zhan has associated software/data.
- Multi-Objective Linear Ensembles for Robust and Sparse Training of Few-Bit Neural Networks by Ambrogio Maria Bernardelli, Stefano Gualandi, Simone Milanesi, Hoong Chuin Lau, and Neil Yorke-Smith has associated software/data.
- pyJedAI: A Library with Resolution-related Structures and Procedures for Products by Ekaterini Ioannou, Konstantinos Nikoletos, and George Papadakis has associated software/data.
- Deep Stacking Kernel Machines for the Data-driven Multi-item One-warehouse Multi-retailer Problems with Backlog and Lost Sales by Minghe Sun and Zhen-Yu Chen has associated software/data.
- Clustering then Estimation of Spatio-Temporal Self-Exciting Processes by Haoting Zhang, Donglin Zhan, James Anderson, Rhonda Righter, and Zeyu Zheng has associated software/data.
- Decision Making under Cumulative Prospect Theory: An Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers by Xiangyu Cui, Rujun Jiang, Yun Shi, Rufeng Xiao, and Yifan Yan has associated software/data.
- Machine Learning for K-adaptability in two-stage robust optimization by Esther Julien, Krzysztof Postek, and Ilker Birbil has associated software/data.
- The Electric Vehicle Routing and Overnight Charging Scheduling Problem on a Multigraph by Daniel Yamin, Guy Desaulniers, and Jorge Mendoza has associated software/data.
- Microgrid Planner: An Open-Source Software Platform by Daniel Reich and Leah Frye has associated software/data.
- RMA: Ranking based on model averaging by Ziheng Feng, Baihua He, Tianfa Xie, Xinyu Zhang, and Xianpeng Zong has associated software/data.
- Computing Optimal Strategies for a Search Game in Discrete Locations by Jake Clarkson and Kyle Lin has associated software/data.
- Learning Hidden Markov Models with Structured Transition Dynamics by Simin Ma, Amin Dehghanian, Gian-Gabriel Garcia, and Nicoleta Serban has associated software/data.
- A Model-Free Approach for Solving Choice-Based Competitive Facility Location Problems Using Simulation and Submodularity by Robin Legault and Emma Frejinger has associated software/data.
- Controlling Homophily in Social Network Regression Analysis by Machine Learning by Xuanqi Liu and Ke-Wei Huang has associated software/data.
- Exact and Approximation Algorithms for Sparse PCA by Yongchun Li and Weijun Xie has associated software/data.
- Efficient Project Scheduling with Automous Learning Opportunities by Alessandro Hill and Thomas Vossen has associated software/data.
- Satisficing Approach to On-Demand Ride Matching by Dongling Rong, Xinyu Sun, Meilin Zhang, and Shuangchi He has associated software/data.
- An Efficient Scenario Reduction Method for Problems with Higher Moment Coherent Risk Measures by Xiaolei He and Weiguo Zhang has associated software/data.
- Efficient Nested Simulation Experiment Design via the Likelihood Ratio Method by Mingbin Feng and Eunhye Song has associated software/data.
- The Terminator: An Integration of Inner and Outer Approximations for Solving Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Programs via Variable Fixing by Weijun Xie and Nan Jiang has associated software/data.
- Ranking decomposition for the discrete ordered median problem by Claudio Contardo, Marilène Cherkesly, and Matthieu Gruson has associated software/data.
- Comparisons of Two-stage Models for Flood Mitigation of Electrical Substations by Brent Austgen, Erhan Kutanoglu, John Hasenbein, and Surya Santoso has associated software/data.
- Coordinating charging request allocation between self-interested navigation service platforms by Maximilian Schiffer and Marianne Guillet has associated software/data.
- An Enhanced Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers-Based Interior Point Method for Linear and Conic Optimization by Bo Jiang, Qi Deng, Qing Feng, Wenzhi Gao, Dongdong Ge, Yuntian Jiang, Jinsong Liu, Tianhao Liu, Chenyu Xue, Yinyu Ye, and Chuwen Zhang has associated software/data.
- Solving the Minimum Sum Coloring Problem: Alternative Models, Exact Solvers, and Metaheuristics by Yu Du, Fred Glover, Gary Kochenberger, Rick Hennig, Haibo Wang, and Amit Hulandageri has associated software/data.
- An Intelligent End-to-End Neural Architecture Search Framework for Electricity Forecasting Model Development by Ying Chen, Jin Yang, Guangxin Jiang, and Yinan Wang has associated software/data.
- Models for test cost minimization in database migration by K. Subramani, Bugra Caskurlu, Utku Acikalin, Alvaro Velasquez, and Piotr Wojciechowski has associated software/data.
- Efficient and Flexible Long-Tail Recommendation Using Cosine Patterns by Yaqiong Wang, Junjie Wu, Zhiang Wu, and Gediminas Adomavicius has associated software/data.
Volume 36, Issue 6
- The impact of passive social media viewers in influence maximization by Michael Kahr, Markus Leitner, and Ivana Ljubić has associated software/data.
- Constraint Learning to Define Trust Regions in Optimization Over Pre-Trained Predictive Models by Chenbo Shi, Mohsen Emadikhiav, Leonardo Lozano, and David Bergman has associated software/data.
- Let the Laser Beam Connect the Dots: Forecasting and Narrating Stock Market Volatility by Zhu Zhang, Jie Yuan, and Amulya Gupta has associated software/data.
- Unified Framework for Choice-based Facility Location Problem by Yun Hui Lin, Qingyun Tian, and Yanlu Zhao has associated software/data.
- Path-Based Formulations for the Design of On-demand Multimodal Transit Systems with Adoption Awareness by Hongzhao Guan, Beste Basciftci, and Pascal Van Hentenryck has associated software/data.
- A FAST Method for Nested Estimation by Guo Liang, Kun Zhang, and Jun Luo, has associated software/data.
- Decision Diagram-Based Branch-and-Bound with Caching for Dominance and Suboptimality Detection by Vianney Coppe, Xavier Gillard, and Pierre Schaus has associated software/data.
- Regret Minimization and Separation in Multi-Bidder Multi-Item Auctions by Cagil Kocyigit, Daniel Kuhn, and Napat Rujeerapaiboon has associated software/data.
- Decomposable Formulation of Transmission Constraints for Decentralized Power Systems Optimization by Alinson S. Xavier, Feng Qiu, and Santanu S. Dey has associated software/data.
- Computing optimality certificates for convex mixed-integer nonlinear problems by Katrin Halbig, Lukas Hümbs, Florian Rösel, Lars Schewe, and Dieter Weninger has associated software/data
- Convergence Rates of Zeroth-order Gradient Descent for Łojasiewicz Functions by Tianyu Wang and Yasong Feng has associated software/data.
- Computing Bi-Path Multi-Commodity Flows with Constraint Programming-based Branch-and-Price-and-Cut by Jiachen Zhang, Youcef Magnouche, Pierre Bauguion, Sebastien Martin, and J. Christopher Beck has associated software/data.
- The continuous time-resource tradeoff scheduling problem with time windows by Christian Artigues, Emmanuel Hebrard, Alain Quilliot, and Helene Toussaint has associated software/data.
- A flow-based formulation for parallel machine scheduling using decision diagrams by Daniel Kowalczyk, Roel Leus, Christopher Hojny, and Stefan Ropke has associated software/data.
- A Graph-based Approach for Relating Integer Programs by Zachary Steever, Kyle Hunt, Mark Karwan, Junsong Yuan, and Chase Murray has associated software/data.
- Feasibility verification and upper bound computation in global minimization using approximate active index sets by Christian Füllner, Peter Kirst, Hendrik Otto, and Steffen Rebennack has associated software/data.
Volume 36, Issue 5
Volume 36, Issue 4
- PyVRP: A High-Performance VRP Solver Package by Niels A. Wouda, Leon Lan, and Wouter Kool, has associated software/data.
- VRPSolverEasy: A Python Library for the Exact Solution of a Rich Vehicle Routing Problem by Najib Errami, Eduardo Queiroga, Ruslan Sadykov, and Eduardo Uchoa, has associated software/data.
- AILS-II: An Adaptive Iterated Local Search Heuristic for the Large-scale Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem by Vinicius Maximo, Jean-François Cordeau, and Mariá Nascimento has associated software/data.
- An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach to Dynamic Stochastic Matching by Fan You and Thomas Vossen has associated software/data.
- A Shrinkage Approach to Improve Direct Bootstrap Resampling under Input Uncertainty by Eunhye Song, Henry Lam, and Russell R. Barton has associated software/data.
- Polyhedral Relaxations for Optimal Pump Scheduling of Potable Water Distribution Networks by Byron Tasseff, Russell Bent, Carleton Coffrin, Clayton Barrows, Devon Sigler, Jonathan Stickel, Ahmed S. Zamzam, Yang Liu, and Pascal Van Hentenryck has associated software/data.
Volume 36, Issue 3
- Product Redesign and Innovation Based on Online Reviews: A Multistage Combined Search Method by Jindong Qin, Pan Zheng, and Xiaojun Wang, has associated software/data.
- Supervised ML for Solving the GI/GI/1 Queue by Opher Baron, Dmitry Krass, Arik Senderovich, and Eliran Sherzer, has associated software/data.
- Largest Volume Inscribed Rectangles in Convex Sets Defined by Finite Number of Inequalities by Mehdi Behroozi, has associated software/data.
- Sparsity-Exploiting Distributed Projections onto a Simplex by Yongzheng Dai and Chen Chen, has associated software/data.
- A Column Generation Scheme for Distributionally Robust Multi-Item Newsvendor Problems by Shanshan Wang and Erick Delage, has associated software/data.
- A Sequential Follower Refinement Algorithm for Robust Surgery Scheduling by Ankit Bansal, Jean-Philippe Richard, Bjorn P. Berg, and Yu-Li Huang, has associated software/data.
Volume 36, Issue 2
- Heuristic Search for Rank Aggregation with Application to Label Ranking by Yangming Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, and Zhen Li, has associated software/data.
- BilevelJuMP.jl: modeling and solving bilevel optimization problems in Julia by Joaquim Dias Garcia, Guilherme Bodin, and Alexandre Street, has associated software/data.
- Seamless Multimodal Transportation Scheduling by Arvind U. Raghunathan, David Bergman, John N. Hooker, Thiago Serra, and Shingo Kobori, has associated software/data.
- A Differentiable Path-Following Method with a Compact Formulation to Compute Proper Equilibria by Yiyin Cao, Yin Chen, and Chuangyin Dang, has associated software/data.
- Combination Chemotherapy Optimization with Discrete Dosing by Temitayo Ajayi, Seyedmohammadhossein Hosseinian, Andrew J. Schaefer, and Clifton D. Fuller, has associated software/data.
- Flexible Differentiable Optimization via Model Transformations by Mathieu Besançon, Joaquim Dias Garcia, Benoît Legat, and Akshay Sharma, has associated software/data.
- Bayesian Network Models for PTSD Screening in Veterans by Yi Tan, Prakash P. Shenoy, Ben Sherwood, Catherine Shenoy, Melinda Gaddy, and Mary E. Oehlert, has associated software/data.
- A Decision Rule Approach for Two-Stage Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Optimization Problems with Random Recourse by Xiangyi Fan and Grani A. Hanasusanto, has associated software/data.
- Deterring the Gray Market: Product Diversion Detection via Learning Disentangled Representations of Multivariate Time Series by Hao Lin, Guannan Liu, Junjie Wu, and J. Leon Zhao, has associated software/data.
- Ensemble Variance Reduction Methods for Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming and their Application to the Stochastic Facility Location Problem by Jiajun Xu and Suvrajeet Sen, has associated software/data.
- InfrastructureModels: Composable Multi-Infrastructure Optimization in Julia by Russell Bent, Byron Tasseff, and Carleton Coffrin, has associated software/data.
- A Deep Learning and Image Processing Pipeline for Object Characterization in Firm Operations by Alireza Aghasi, Arun Rai, and Yusen Xia, has associated software/data.
- The descent-ascent algorithm for DC programming by Pietro D’Alessandro, Manlio Gaudioso, Giovanni Giallombardo, and Giovanna Miglionico, has associated software/data.
- Correlation Clustering Problem under Mediation by Zacharie Ales, Celine Engelbeen, and Rosa Figueiredo, has associated software/data.
- An Efficient Global Optimal Method for Cardinality Constrained Portfolio Optimization by Wei Xu, Jie Tang, Ka Fai Cedric Yiu, and Jian Wen Peng, has associated software/data.
Volume 36, Issue 1
- A Set Covering Approach to Customized Coverage Instrumentation by Carla Michini, Peter Ohmann, Ben Liblit, and Jeffrey Linderoth, has associated software/data.
- Detecting Critical Nodes in Sparse Graphs via “Reduce-Solve-Combine” Memetic Search by Yangming Zhou, Jiaqi Li, Jin-Kao Hao, and Fred Glover, has associated software/data.
- DiversiTree: A New Method to Efficiently Compute Diverse Sets of Near-Optimal Solutions to Mixed-Integer Optimization Problems by Izuwa Ahanor, Hugh Medal, and Andrew C. Trapp, has associated software/data.
- A Study on Optimal Release Schedule for Multi-Version Software by Yeu-Shiang Huang, Chih-Chiang Fang, Chun-Hsuan Chou, and Tzu-Liang (Bill) Tseng, has associated software/data.
- Automation of Strategic Data Prioritization in System Model Calibration: Sensor Placement by Tianyi Li and Munther Dahleh, has associated software/data.
- Federated Optimization under Intermittent Client Availability by Yikai Yan, Chaoyue Niu, Yucheng Ding, Zhenzhe Zheng, Shaojie Tang, Qinya Li, Fan Wu, Chengfei Lyu, Yanghe Feng, and Guihai Chen, has associated software/data.
- Exact Matrix Factorization Updates for Nonlinear Programming by Adolfo R. Escobedo, has associated software/data.
- Monte Carlo Methods for Economic Capital by Yajuan Li, Zachary T. Kaplan, and Marvin K. Nakayama, has associated software/data.
Volume 35, Issue 6
- Software for Data-Based Stochastic Programming Using Bootstrap Estimation by Xiaotie Chen and David Woodruff, has associated software/data.
- Platoon Optimization Based on Truck Pairs by Anirudh Kishore Bhoopalam, Niels Agatz, and Rob Zuidwijk, has associated software/data.
- Asymptotically Optimal Sampling Policy for Selecting Top-m Alternatives by Gongbo Zhang, Yijie Peng, Jianghua Zhang, and Enlu Zhou, has associated software/data.
- The Hot Spot Coverage Patrol Problem: Formulations and Solution Approaches by Yuchen Luo, Bruce Golden, and Rui Zhang, has associated software/data.
- Control of Dual-Sourcing Inventory Systems using Recurrent Neural Networks by Lucas Bottcher, Thomas Asikis, and Ioannis Fragkos, has associated software/data.
- PaPILO: A Parallel Presolving Library for Integer and Linear Optimization with Multiprecision Support by Ambros Gleixner, Leona Gottwald, and Alexander Hoen, has associated software/data.
- Decision Rule Approaches for Pessimistic Bilevel Linear Programs under Moment Ambiguity with Facility Location Applications by Akshit Goyal, Yiling Zhang, and Chuan He, has associated software/data.
- Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained p-Hub Center Problem by Yue Zhao, Zhi Chen, and Zhenzhen Zhang, has associated software/data.
- Learning Symbolic Expressions: Mixed-Integer Formulations, Cuts, and Heuristics by Jongeun Kim, Sven Leyffer, Prasanna Balaprakash, has associated software/data.
- ℓ0 Trend Filtering by Canhong Wen, Xueqin Wang, and Aijun Zhang, has associated software/data.
Volume 35, Issue 5
- Black-box Attack-Based Security Evaluation Framework for Credit Card Fraud Detection Models by Jin Xiao, Yuhang Tian, Yanlin Jia, Xiaoyi Jiang, Lean Yu, and Shouyang Wang, has associated software/data.
- Adjustable Distributionally Robust Optimization with Infinitely Constrained Ambiguity Sets by Haolin Ruan, Zhi Chen, and Chin Pang Ho, has associated software/data.
- An Interior-Point-Inspired Algorithm for Linear Programs Arising in Discrete Optimal Transport by Filippo Zanetti and Jacek Gondzio, has associated software/data.
- A Cost-Effective Sequential Route Recommender System for Taxi Drivers by Junming Liu, Mingfei Teng, Weiwei Chen, and Hui Xiong, has associated software/data.
- Globalized Distributionally Robust Counterpart by Feng Liu, Zhi Chen, and Shuming Wang, has associated software/data.
- A Nonconvex Regularization Scheme for the Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming Algorithm by Arnab Bhattacharya, Jeffrey P. Kharoufeh, and Bo Zeng, has associated software/data.
- An Approximation Algorithm for k-Depot Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem by Xiaofan Lai, Liang Xu, Zhou Xu, and Yang Du, has associated software/data.
Volume 35, Issue 4
- RSOME in Python: An Open-Source Package for Robust Stochastic Optimization Made Easy by Zhi Chen and Peng Xiong, has associated software/data.
- Perturbation-based thresholding search for packing equal circles and spheres by Xiangjing Lai, Jin-Kao Hao, Renbin Xiao, and Fred Glover, has associated software/data.
- An Ensemble Learning Approach with Gradient Resampling for Class-imbalance Problems by Hongke Zhao, Chuang Zhao, Xi Zhang, Nanlin Liu, Hengshu Zhu, Qi Liu, and Hui Xiong, has associated software/data.
- Modeling Contingent Decision Behavior: A Bayesian Nonparametric Preference Learning Approach by Jiapeng Liu, Milosz Kadzinski, and Xiuwu Liao, has associated software/data.
- TGVx: Dynamic Personalized POI Deep Recommendation Model by Xiao-Jun Wang, Tao Liu, and Weiguo Fan, has associated software/data.
- Convex and Nonconvex Risk-based Linear Regression at Scale by Can Wu, Ying Cui, Donghui Li, and Defeng Sun, has associated software/data.
- Mixed-Integer Programming Versus Constraint Programming for Shop Scheduling Problems: New Results and Outlook by Bahman Naderi, Ruben Ruiz, and Vahid Roshanaei, has associated software/data.
- A Prediction-Based Approach for Online Dynamic Appointment Scheduling: A Case Study in Radiotherapy Treatment by Tu-San Pham, Antoine Legrain, Patrick De Causmaecker, and Louis-Martin Rousseau, has associated software/data.
Volume 35, Issue 3
- Learning Equilibria in Asymmetric Auction Games by Martin Bichler, Nils Kohring, and Stefan Heidekrueger, has associated software/data.
- Decomposition Strategies for Vehicle Routing Heuristics by Alberto Santini, Michael Schneider, Thibaut Vidal, and Daniele Vigo, has associated software/data.
- Integrating Users’ Contextual Engagements with Their General Preferences: An Interpretable Followee Recommendation Method by Yaxuan Ran, Jiani Liu, and Yishi Zhang, has associated software/data.
- Gradient-based Simulation Optimization Algorithms via Multi-Resolution System Approximations by Jingxu Xu and Zeyu Zheng, has associated software/data.
- A Bayesian Semi-supervised Approach to Keyword Extraction with Only Positive and Unlabeled Data by Guanshen Wang, Yichen Cheng, Yusen Xia, Qiang Ling, and Xinlei Wang, has associated software/data.
Volume 35, Issue 2
- Aircraft Conflict Resolution: A Benchmark Generator by Mercedes Pelegrın and Martina Cerulli, has associated software/data.
- Now You See it, Now You Don’t: Obfuscation of Online Third-Party Information Sharing by Ashkan Eshghi, Ram D. Gopal, Hooman Hidaji, and Raymond A. Patterson, has associated software/data.
- Reference Vector Assisted Candidate Search with Aggregated Surrogate for Computationally Expensive Many Objective Optimization Problems by Wenyu Wang and Christine A. Shoemaker, has associated software/data.
- Revisiting Semidefinite Programming Approaches to Options Pricing: Complexity and Computational Perspectives by Didier Henrion, Felix Kirschner, Etienne de Klerk, Milan Korda, Jean-Bernard Lasserre, and Victor Magron, has associated software/data: Options/Pricing.
- Diagnostic Tools for Evaluating and Comparing Simulation-Optimization Algorithms by David J. Eckman, Shane G. Henderson, and Sara Shashaani, has associated software/data.
- Convergence Analysis of Stochastic Kriging-Assisted Simulation with Random Covariates by Cheng Li, Siyang Gao, and Jianzhong Du, has associated software/data.
- Acuity-Based Allocation of ICU-Downstream Beds with Flexible Staffing by Silviya Valeva, Guodong Pang, Andrew J. Schaefer, and Gilles Clermont, has associated software/data.
- An LSTM+ Model for Managing Epidemics: Using Population Mobility and Vulnerability for Forecasting COVID-19 Hospital Admissions by Arindam Ray, Wolfgang Jank, Kaushik Dutta, and Matthew Mullarkey, has associated software/data.
- SimOpt: A Testbed for Simulation-Optimization Experiments by David J. Eckman, Shane G. Henderson, and Sara Shashaani, has associated software/data.
- Scalable Parallel Nonlinear Optimization with PyNumero and Parapint by Jose S. Rodriguez, Robert B. Parker, Carl D. Laird, Bethany L. Nicholson, John D. Siirola, and Michael L. Bynum, has associated software/data.
Volume 35, Issue 1
- py-irt: A Scalable Item Response Theory Library for Python by John Lalor and Pedro Rodriguez, has associated software/data.
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Information Collection Missions with Uncertain Characteristics by Michael D. Moskal II, Erdi Dasdemir, and Rajan Batta, has associated software/data.
- Robust Sourcing Under Multi-level Supply Risks:
Analysis of Random Yield and Capacity by Ming Zhao, Nickolas Freeman, and Kai Pan, has associated software/data.
- A Multiobjective Approach for Sector Duration Optimization in Stereotactic Radiosurgery Treatment Planning by Oylum Seker, Mucahit Cevik, Merve Bodur, Young Le, and Mark Ruschin, has associated software/data.
Volume 34, Issue 6
- ROC++: Robust Optimization in C++ by Phebe Vayanos, Qing Jin, and George Elissaios, has associated software/data: ROC++.
- Solving Stochastic Optimization with Expectation Constraints Efficiently by a Stochastic Augmented Lagrangian-Type Algorithm by Liwei Zhang, Yule Zhang, Jia Wu, and Xiantao Xiao, has associated software/data.
- Bi-fidelity Surrogate Modelling: Showcasing the Need for New Test Instances by Nicolau Andres-Thio, Mario Andres Munoz, Kate Smith-Miles, has associated software/data.
- An Algorithm for Maximizing a Convex Function Based on its Minimum by Aharon Ben-Tal and Ernst Roos, has associated software/data.
- Integrated Backup Rolling Stock Allocation and Timetable Rescheduling with Uncertain Time-Variant Passenger Demand Under Disruptive Events by Jiateng Yin, Lixing Yang, Andrea D’Ariano, Tao Tang, and Ziyou Gao, has associated software/data.
- Disjunctive Rule Lists by Ronilo Ragodos and Tong Wang, has associated software/data.
- A Polyhedral Study on Fuel-Constrained Unit Commitment by Kai Pan, Ming Zhao, Chung-Lun Li, and Feng Qiu, has associated software/data.
- Stability Representations of Many-to-One Matching Problems: An Integer Optimization Approach by Pitchaya Wiratchotisatian, Hoda Atef Yekta, and Andrew C. Trapp, has associated software/data.
Volume 34, Issue 5
- Disjoint Bilinear Optimization: A Two-stage Robust Optimization Perspective by Jianzhe Zhen, Ahmadreza Marandi, Danique de Moor, Dick den Hertog, and Lieven Vandenberghe, has associated software/data.
- An Iterated Dual Substitution Approach for Binary Integer Programming Problems under the Min–Max Regret Criterion by Wei Wu, Manuel Iori, Silvano Martello, and Mutsunori Yagiura, has associated software/data.
- FrankWolfe.jl: A High-performance and Flexible Toolbox for Frank-Wolfe Algorithms and Conditional Gradients by Mathieu Besançon, Alejandro Carderera, and Sebastian Pokutta, has associated software/data: FrankWolfe.jl.
- Solving Natural Conic Formulations with Hypatia.jl by Chris Coey, Lea Kapelevich, and Juan Pablo Vielma, has associated software/data: Hypatia.
- Decomposition and Adaptive Sampling for Data-Driven Inverse Linear Optimization by Rishabh Gupta and Qi Zhang, has associated software/data.
- Projective Cutting-Planes for Robust Linear Programming and Cutting-stock Problems by Daniel Porumbel, has associated software/data.
- A Software Package and Data Set for the Personal Protective Equipment Matching Problem During Covid-19 by Michele Samorani, Ram Bala, Rohit Jacob, and Shuhan He, has associated software/data.
Volume 34, Issue 4
- VeRoViz: A Vehicle Routing Visualization Toolkit by L. Peng and C. Murray, has associated software/data: VeroViz.
- Efficient Stochastic Programming in Julia by M. Biel and M. Johansson, has associated software/data: StochasticPrograms.jl.
- Variable Bound Tightening and Valid Constraints for Multiperiod Blending by Yifu Chen and Christos T. Maravelias, has associated software/data: software/data.
- A Restricted Dual Peaceman-Rachford Splitting Method for a Strengthened DNN Relaxation for QAP by Naomi Graham, Hao Hu, Jiyoung Im, Xinxin Li, and Henry Wolkowicz, has associated software/data.
- SOS-SDP: an Exact Solver for Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering by Veronica Piccialli, Antonio M. Sudoso, and Angelika Wiegele, has associated software/data: SOS-SDP.
Volume 34, Issue 3
Volume 34, Issue 2
Volume 34, Issue 1
Volume 33, Issue 4
Volume 33, Issue 1
Volume 32, Issue 4